Grande Vitesse Systems Solutions Security Deffince Storage Solutions Boeing Satellite Division General Dynamics Lockheed-Martin Lawrence Livermore Lab JPL Naval Undersea Warfare Division U.S. Air Force U.S. Navy

Boeing General Dynamic Air Force Navy Lockheed-Martin


Defiance and Security Solutions
In order to secure data today’s technologically advanced , you need more than a recognized force - you need to minimize responsive time and accurate time while maximizing your resources. Interoperability among group is critical - and Nomadic storage solutions, RAW video data that are able to store full camera data in excess of 2500x1500 pix or high speed content over 10,000 fps can assist you with meeting these imperatives.

Defining the right solution...
Since 1987, GVS has developed storage solutions optimized to meet the performance, capacity, fault-tolerance, and interoperability requirements of the most mission-critical operations, including data acquisition, mission planning and rehearsal, and image processing. Our complete line of Nomadic products are easily deployable and provide various levels of organization, depending upon your application needs. On the ground, at sea, or in the air, depend on GVS storage solutions for your military digital workflow

Our Customers In Defense Product Line..
Boeing Satellite Division
General Dynamics
Lawrence Livermore Lab
Naval Undersea Warfare Division
U.S. Air Force
U.S. Navy

Custom Design consulting...
A comprehensive proposal is worked out including recommendations on shared SAN storage, supporting shared network, NAS, SAS, and SAN, SAN management throughout the facility workflow, Military rugged system, Medical mobile operation, telecommunications, training/simulation, and education. To ensure that the existing equipment in your facility complements the proposed equipment, an integration engineering study is done.

Factory Acceptance Testing...
Satisfactory completion of testing at GVS' San Francisco lab insures that not only our products are performing at their best, but most importantly, the integration of all software and hardware components is successful. At this point the system is ready for final implementation at the customer's site.

Turnkey implementation...
On-site installation of all hardware and software is provided. A lot of energy is put into software integration and its interface to assure the client the best possible balance of use.

On-site training...
A comprehensive custom training program is scheduled for all operators and system administrators, covering configuration, operation and basic maintenance.

Grande Vitesse Systems GVS