and GVSan Pro Real-time Fibre Channel SAN (FCS) Volume and File Sharing Solution for
Windows and OS X for Video/Audio Production
is designed to allow for SAN (Storage Area Network) access from a Windows
desktop. GVSAN will enable you to:
a. Protect the data on the central storage from corruption, which would inevitably
result, if the storage is accessed only via Windows and OSX.
b. Ensure every user has up-to-date information about the files on the central
c. Fully exploit the power of the NTFS file system.
d. Easy to install, deploy and manage.
f. Provide high accessibility to the central storage even if some components
of the SAN fail.
How GVSan works (see technical over view):
1. GVSan protects only explicitly selected Volume/Files these Volume/Files become
managed Volume/Files managed by each system or GVSan Pro SAN/NAS management system. While all machines on the network can read a managed Volume/Files,
all machines can read/write to a managed Volume/File at any time. This management is down with two different systems, one is the local machine and the other by managing the server in GVSan Pro, based on your workflow you can select to have the management down locally or a dedicated GVSan Pro Management System machine
is called the SMS. All other workstations on the network are able to read/write to a specific volume or any given volume/folder and directory. Each File on the central storage may have different Owners.
Only the Owners may write to their specific Files, On the network,
all machines installed with GVSan Pro are Readers as well write over the network you are no longer venerable to a single point of failure but have all the flexibility and speed to access centralized data.
2. GVSan Pro tracks all changes made to the managed Volume/Files. Changes can occur only
through the Owner machines. Whenever a change is detected, all machines
on the SAN are notified. GVSan Pro must be installed on all machines on the SAN
in order for it to obtain the latest information about the Volume/File.
3. GVSan and GVSan Pro works NTFS formatted Volumes/Files. It does not add or disable
any features of the NTFS. The existing security structure of a Volume/File is retained
or can be applied in exactly the same way as on a standalone machine.
4. With GVSan, the managed Volume/Files appear as ordinary local disks to the user
and to any software application running on the Owner or Reader
5. GVSan doesn't rely on a server in the traditional way, eliminating a single
point of failure in your SAN. GVSan increases data availability and facilitates
the management of the Volume/Files, in GVSan only environment frequent of updates may require the rest of the host mac.
Volume/Files are marked as managed on the SAN level, not on the machine level. For
each managed Volume/File there can be only one Owner. An Owner
is the computer, which writes and reads information from the Volume/File. For each
managed Volume/File there can be an unlimited number of Readers. A Reader
is a computer that reads information from the Volume/File but cannot write to it.
However, the Owner of a Volume/File can dynamically change during the
normal operation of a SAN, thus allowing multiple machines to write to the same
Volume/File at different moments of time with GVSan Pro.