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Partner Interoperability Program Levels

GVS offers two program levels to better meet a technology partner's needs. Depending on your market focus, GVS offers partnership levels that range from basic interoperability validation all the way to fully supported solutions that include high availability director-level interoperability qualifications.

Tier B- Dealer/Partner Programe

The Dealer program gives partners the advantage of interoperability audited and backed by the technical expertise of GVS's industry-leading System Integration Lab. Partner Tested partners run GVS-approved test plans in their labs and, subject to approval, attain partnership once basic interoperability testing is completed. Partner Tested Partners receive:

  • GVS's approved test plan
  • Discounted prices on GVS equipment for development or demo/testing
  • GVS's support of partner press release regarding Partner
  • Use of Partner logo on marketing materials and web site
  • Inclusion as an Partner on GVS Website
  • Announcement in monthly update to GVS field sales and System Engineer staff
  • Announcement in updates to GVS sales channel partners
  • Participation in GVS partner events

Tested Partners

Tier A- Partner Consultent/Dealer/Intgrater Programe

This program is exclusively for GVS's key partners, as evidenced by market demand for joint solutions, from GVS and a Solution Partner, that require a robust test plan executed in GVS's industry-leading Systems Integration Lab. Solution Partner testing goes beyond basic connectivity by emulating, as closely as possible, real world environments that can benefit from storage networking technology. Additionally, more detailed testing involves a higher level of fault injection and data integrity checking to ensure the industry's most robust, highest performing solutions. Solution Partners receive all the benefits of the Partner Tested program, plus:

  • Testing and validation in GVS's System Integration Lab
  • High-availability test plan
  • GVS Support of End-to-end Solutions

Solution Partners

Grande Vitesse Systems GVS