Grande Vitesse Systems
9000 vtr storage workstations asset management

Solutions from GVS start with review and planning. Tailoring to your production needs, we then manufacture cutting edge product solutions with the goal of greatly improving your existing production workflow with fraction of cost.

Because we follow our solutions from concept to completion, we can make sure they are truly integrated and can provide superior support. Below are some of the many service and support plans GVS offers to meet your needs. In addition, there are numerous online resources within our web site, weekly technical email that provide valuable information, update and instruction.


GVS On Site Spares Service GVS Product Warranty
Availability Contract GVS Remote Dial-up
On-IT Plus On-IT Installation Service
Relocation Services Matrix

Resurch and Devlopment



Custom Design and Manufacturing


Training, Service and Maintenance Up to 24/7

On-site Evaluation

On-site Evaluation & Consulting with Certified Partners

PVD Sputtering and Vacuum Solution Product Guide

A highly trained staff of technical sales people are at your disposal to help you assess your needs:
tel 800 794-4622

PVD 9000 Larg Vacume Sputtering Deposition System Leybold A 550 VZK RF Sputtering System
PVD 9000 Larg Vacume Sputtering Deposition System Leybold A 550 VZK RF Sputtering System

Grande Vitesse Systems GVS